The June 17 deadline is only the latest in a series that have so far come and gone with little more than an agreement by the three states to extend the talks.
The steelworkers union has rejected pleas to extend the talks past tonight and has secured the permission of its members to call for strikes.
More than one baseball official said today that the Padres had extended the talks to try to induce the Yankees to improve their offer.
Teachers apparently felt that returning to the classrooms and extending the talks would cost them leverage at the negotiating table.
Mr. Zoellick said the mediators had told him they were extending the talks once again by at least a day beyond the deadline of midnight Tuesday, local time.
The report adds that some negotiators believed the standoff could have ended peacefully if they had extended the talks.
Mediators agreed to extend the talks for another 48 hours at the request of the United States.
The two sides agreed to extend the talks until the end of October, and they continued to wrangle until after the midnight deadline.
The Israelis worry that extending the talks would increasingly embroil them in the campaign for the Israeli elections, now expected in November 1996.
If no deal is reached on Tuesday, the union is likely to extend the talks rather than call a strike, labor experts said.