The best hope for protection is extended prison sentences, specialized treatment and lengthy, even lifetime, parole.
In addition, there are other international treaties, bilateral and multilateral, under which signatories extend most-favoured-nation treatment to direct investment.
Confusion over sovereignty extends beyond military matters to questions of legal immunity for Americans, accounting practices, treatment of prisoners and oversight of government ministries.
But a new report finds no evidence that extending antibiotic treatment past the time it takes to cure Lyme disease does any good.
The injury required surgery, extended medical treatment and months of physical therapy, the suit contends.
In the context of interpersonal relationships, its presence indicates that both parties recognize a mutual duty to honor their relationship by extending specially favorable treatment.
For these reasons, simply extending most-favored-nation treatment would be a grave mistake.
He said pressure exerted by company executives on staff members to extend treatment longer than necessary was extreme.
"He had extended medical treatment and tried his best, and the illness won out," Mr. Weill said.
Shushrusha proposes to extend in-patient and domiciliary cover and treatment to elderly parents of Indians diaspora abroad.