But its main message was less about policy than to declare victory over an extended stretch of economic stagnation.
The biggest was being left for an extended stretch without Shanahan, their best goal scorer (with 28) and their defensive conscience.
Once again, they were playing like a first-place-caliber team, excelling in every phase for an extended stretch.
The group had to negotiate a compromise of violence and quiet intelligence, and did it admirably, for an extended stretch.
The extended stretch will reduce commuting time between Mumbai and Pune by 30 minutes.
Long holiday weekends can feel like an extended stretch in solitary confinement for poor, deaf teen-agers.
The Yankees have the kind of starting corps that prompts people to say the team will not endure an extended losing stretch.
At times, it seems as if the Devils do not take Toronto quite seriously enough, at least not for extended stretches.
He finished with 21 points and shot 8 for 16, but he also turned the ball over 10 times and disappeared for extended stretches.
The officers, he said, would disappear from the job for extended stretches of time.