Each extension in this conjugated system reduces the energy required for electrons to transition to higher energy states, allowing the molecule to absorb visible light of progressively longer wavelengths.
The extension of the fixed penalty system that is now projected will reduce the number of small cases in magistrates' courts.
Sir Bryan rejects all of the many arguments advanced by the Bar to the effect that the extension of audience rights would reduce rather than extend competition.
The extension to graft multiple branches at each leaf reduces the number of errors.
The extension of the radical land reform and the relative freedom granted peasants reduced hostility to the new regime.
A local industrial park sued on environmental grounds because the extension may reduce its vehicular access and lower their earnings.
In addition, the shorter extension might reduce opposition to the endowment in Congress.
These are instruments which have long been available to organized crime, and their extension to prosecuting authorities should reduce the technical lead enjoyed by organized crime.
The agency estimates that the extension will reduce by 50 percent the number of Visas Mantis clearances to be handled each year.
The extension of the railroad drastically reduced the cost of transporting minerals to the Pacific coast.