Unfortunately, the gallery's space doesn't really allow for a more extensive account of his doings, especially past projects having to do with architecture.
For a more extensive account of the band and its releases, see Bal-Sagoth.
The latter work includes an extensive account of Rhode Island's earliest colonial records.
There he gave an extensive account of high mortality at what was not as Auschwitz an extermination camp.
His comments represented the most extensive account by the American military of how it plans, if there is war, to take Baghdad.
His thesis was an extensive account of the genus Lampropeltis, king snakes.
An extensive account of the movement and a brief about the unusual in Hong Kong.
I should like to hear Commissioner Nielson give us an extensive account on this in a moment.
Andrea De Jorio published an extensive account of gestural expression in 1832.
An extensive account of the controversy around the book was published a 25 years later, largely supporting Wilson's views.