Leaving politics, her father took his family to Mississippi where he bought extensive acreage.
The Emmarentia Dam is situated immediately to the east of the garden and shares its extensive acreage.
The more extensive, waterside acreage contains a fine, 21-room, late-19th-century shingled house with spectacular views of a serene harbor.
The Chathams are smack in the center of horse country, and property often comes with extensive acreage.
These companies and others purchased extensive acreage from local chiefs and began systematic plantation operations, including bananas.
He owns a lake cottage and extensive acreage near Atlanta.
Both have known brands and prime, extensive acreage in California.
His extensive acreage here on Lernaeus was essentially a research garden.
He also assembled an extensive acreage nearby to serve as a nature preserve, called Shantalaya ("abode of peace").
Other members of the merc force patrolled the extensive acreage that encircled the building.