The peninsula was the scene of fierce fighting and extensive devastation following the arrival of Egyptian troops under Ibrahim pasha in 1825.
This independence was ended by Timur, who invaded Sistan in 1383 and caused extensive devastation to the province.
And some of the testimony at the trial yesterday dealt with the extensive devastation caused by the bombing, which killed 6 people and injured more than 1,000.
The storm caused extensive devastation across the Caribbean.
These operations were difficult because of the extensive devastation in the HCC and the danger of structural collapse on the search and rescue team.
This situation was not improved by extensive devastation of the housing stock in the Blitz during World War II and insensitive redevelopment in the post war period.
The hurricane caused extensive devastation across much of The Bahamas, where it killed 16 people and injured an additional 300 people.
However, a major earthquake on 24 August 358 caused extensive devastation to Nicomedia and was followed by a fire which completed the catastrophe.
However, the fires came as close as five miles away from the northern direction and also there was extensive devastation on the opposite side of the mountain.
The extensive devastation also resulted in the Greek gods rebuilding the world into something more hospitable.