The extensive drilling by government agencies also suggests possible economic mineralization associated with the Dhala structure.
Through extensive drilling and training, the Foot Companions were able to execute complex manoeuvres well beyond the reach of most contemporary armies.
Since 1981, extensive drilling as occurred throughout Belize to find oil deposits.
After some extensive drilling there was an interesting outcome.
Sarah's geological research Indicates structures which have, historically, produced oil reserves, but without extensive drilling, we don't know if they are productive areas.
Aided by an environmentally problematic method of drilling known as "hydraulic fracturing," vast territories in 34 states could be opened to extensive high-risk drilling.
Some PCBs, requiring extensive drilling or profiling of the board outline are particularly suitable for production by milling.
The moratorium does not affect areas off the Texas and Louisiana coasts, where extensive drilling has been going on for years.
This may involve extensive 'drilling' on local geography, for example.
They are ready to move on to more extensive drilling for the biosphere cavern.