The first third of this book consists of extensive excerpts from Tragedy and Hope, interspersed with commentary by Skousen.
It featured extensive excerpts from the concert performances, along with documentary footage of the musicians interacting with local Ghanaians in the days before the show.
The piece is introduced by an extensive excerpt from Bach's Italian Concerto, third movement.
Sports Illustrated also ran an extensive excerpt about Bonds earlier this month.
There is another internal State Department memo which is printed in an extensive excerpt here which I'll give to anyone in your audience that's interested.
Prométhée has not been recorded in full, but extensive excerpts were recorded under Roger Norrington (1980).
Description of Wood's book, The Complete Christian, with extensive excerpt from the book's introduction.
The Gimme Shelter DVD contains extensive excerpts from that broadcast.
An extensive excerpt from the enhanced e-book edition was released online on July 25, 2012.
The film includes extensive excerpts of this film-within-a-film, as well as excerpts of a documentary on Hannaford's life.