Burton had written numerous travel books which invariably included sexual curiosa in extensive footnotes and appendices.
Yet, despite extensive footnotes and references, some academic critics consider its interpretation of Nazism flawed.
It was finally published in two volumes by the London publisher Longman with extensive footnotes.
Both Bethell and Gisborne include extensive footnotes that elaborate on the particular places mentioned throughout their poems.
Translations of foreign publications were often produced in a truncated form, accompanied with extensive corrective footnotes.
Anticipating "inevitable controversy," the magazine broke with its usual practice and published Brodie's extensive footnotes.
Barry Bingham Sr.'s theory is set forth, and dismissed by the author, in an extensive footnote at the book's end.
As Freehling's own extensive footnotes demonstrate, those much-maligned specialized studies are the building blocks of historical knowledge.
The performer is not bothered by extensive footnotes and alternative readings, but has a clear and on the whole reliable text from which to work.
But the more detailed information and wording came from Mrs. Coleman's biography, which included extensive footnotes.