The 1997 study found that northern New England was a better bet than the Adirondacks for both natural colonization and for providing sufficiently extensive habitat.
Research is now being conducted to see whether a further attempt is worthwhile in more extensive habitats available in the Norfolk Broads.
The area of Zlatná na Ostrove provides an extensive habitat for Great Bustards.
Habitat fragmentation, a major concern, creates a disruption of extensive habitats into isolated bat populations.
Technically, the recommendation was part of an assessment of the effect of logging on the spotted owl, which requires extensive old-growth habitat.
Grasses first evolved in the midst of equine evolution, thus promoting these trends by opening up an extensive new habitat.
New Mexico contains extensive habitat for many plants and animals, especially in desert areas and pinon-juniper woodlands.
Upland forest is the most extensive habitat along the lake.
As Henry Stanley put it, tsetse were the invariable sign of "an extensive habitat of game."
It has fewer land masses than Earth; there are only two main continents with an abundance of small islands and extensive marine habitats.