Many Chinese resented the extensive foreign intervention in China.
Church of St. Francis, in Gothic-Romanesque style but with extensive intervention from the 19th century.
It began in the United States as a reaction against the conservatism and social conformity of the 1950s, and the US government's extensive military intervention in Vietnam.
The movement gained momentum during the U.S. government's extensive military intervention in Vietnam.
Rogulskyj survived after extensive medical intervention but was emotionally traumatised by the attack.
If the world fails to act now, the region's problems will probably grow worse, requiring more extensive, and expensive, intervention later.
"But we're a long way off from that future, as most of the nanoscale "machinery" we've created requires extensive intervention or carefully prepared conditions in order to do anything."
It borrows yuan, by issuing bonds, to pay for its extensive interventions in currency markets, where it has accumulated $1.2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, mainly dollars.
Thank you very much, Mr Vitorino, for your extensive intervention.
That belief was reinforced by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's apparent continued opposition to extensive intervention in the foreign-exchange markets.