During the 1920s, Millikan, who is famous for his oil drop experiment, made extensive measurements of the mysterious radiation discovered by Hess.
Earlier, less extensive ground-based measurements had suggested that ozone over the United States had been depleted in the wintertime by about 2 percent from 1969 to 1986.
In addition to taking photographs, the scientists made extensive measurements.
Other scientific studies, though not based on as extensive on-site measurement, have also found wave sizes growing in the north Atlantic and in the North Sea.
Now, researchers with the British Antarctic Survey and other institutions have produced the first extensive measurements of krill abundance under the ice.
After extensive measurements, instruments would collect material from the asteroid's surface for return to Earth in 2023.
This model is suited for both point-to-point and broadcast transmissions and it is based on extensive empirical measurements taken.
Dawes was a clergyman who made extensive measurements of double stars as well as observations of planets.
Management control involves extensive measurement and it is therefore related to and requires contributions from accounting especially management accounting.
Both guitars are based on extensive measurements of the original instrument, each featuring varying degrees of wear.