So even before the first draft is written, there have been extensive offerings of comments.
Although searches by Journalist are limited to the information sources found on Compuserve or Prodigy, both services have extensive offerings.
Sunnybrook Research Institute has an extensive offering of core facilities that serve internal and external users:
The schools emphasize the arts, with mandatory violin instruction in third grade and extensive offerings in the visual arts.
Fairway claims a unique positioning within the regional retail grocery business, based on its long history, extensive offerings, dramatic store environments, and competitive pricing.
The company also features extensive offerings in furniture, home decor, apparel, entertainment products, and electronics.
The high school is notable for its extensive offering of higher-level courses and membership in the International Baccalaureate program.
Numerous community service opportunities exist at each campus, as well as extensive extracurricular offerings.
Unlike Real, Yahoo is stressing financial news, a complement to the extensive offerings on its Web site.