Each fall, accredited law schools are required by the Department of Education to turn into the bar association an extensive questionnaire detailing school operations.
Sometime next month, the nation's 840 or so Federal judges will be sent an extensive questionnaire designed to determine how hard they work for their money.
Over the decades, these subjects periodically answered extensive psychological questionnaires.
The mass-screening approach begins with an extensive medical-history questionnaire.
Dr. Mayeux said that one parent in every family filled out an extensive questionnaire about the family's health problems.
His photograph also adorned the cover of the program, which included an extensive questionnaire.
The video formed a central part of the event, then staff filled in an extensive questionnaire on working practices and an attitude survey.
Social partners from all sectors were involved in discussions on the resolution, and asked to provide further information in the form of an extensive questionnaire.
If initial approval is given, the supplier will fill out an extensive questionnaire and answer a secondary set of questions.
Women who come for a consultation are first given an extensive questionnaire concerning their health history and life style.