Sandler (1996) is an extensive treatise from the point of view of art history, but the full text of the encyclopedia remains unedited.
In addition to Penn's extensive political and religious treatises, he wrote nearly 1,000 maxims, full of wise observations about human nature and morality.
He wrote several books on medicinal subjects, particularly, an extensive treatise about the urines and uroscopy.
During this time, he began to write an extensive treatise on the private laws of the cantons, which was published in four volumes.
Afterward, Kynes had published an extensive treatise about his years there, opening remarkable windows of understanding to the once-lovely, now-abandoned Imperial capital planet.
Harmonic analysis was discovered by Joseph Fourier, who published an extensive treatise of his research in the context of heat transfer in 1822.
This is an extensive treatise explaining the American contention with much force, and embodying besides a general defense of the Jews.
In 1571 famous Wojciech Oczko, an author of extensive treatises on balneology and syphilidology was made a hospital doctor.
The book is an extensive treatise on the subject of abjection and all it entails.
He attributes Paul an extensive treatise entitled Collections which was lost after his death.