All of the above legislation has been amended extensively since it was first passed.
The Charter was extensively amended, with seven new articles, in 1968 in the wake of the Six Day War and given its current name.
However as in other States, the bill ran into considerable opposition in the upper house, was extensively amended, and consequently many parts were not proclaimed.
The Constitution of the Year XII was later itself extensively amended by the so-called "Additional Act" and definitively abolished with the final return of the Bourbons in 1815.
However all of these codes have since been extensively amended and the Code of Criminal Procedure has undergone significant modification based on decisions made in the Italian Constitutional Court.
This law, though extensively amended in subsequent years, remains the central foundation of FDA regulatory authority to the present day.
"After that the bill was amended extensively, and so that took care of most of the objections that we had."
The text of the proposal for a Regulation has been amended quite extensively in the Committee on Fisheries.
Unless the proposals are extensively amended many marginalized Irish farms will come under pressure and some may not survive.
This principle was confirmed more than a month ago, when the national election laws were extensively amended.