The CRM Online version cannot be extensively customized because of security issues.
The Mark-III airframe was more extensively customized during manufacture explicitly for rocket racer use, with canopy top, center seat and control stick, and other enhancements in addition to the rocket propulsion added to the Mark-II.
RoboForm can be extensively customized and can be used in any of 20 languages including Finnish, Chinese, Korean and Hungarian.
Troop units for these fortifications were extensively customized to deal with the fragmented nature of the military positions.
The squad's tank can be extensively customized, with a number of armaments and other parts available to be equipped to the tank, limited by how much weight each part adds to the tank's chassis.
In keeping to the most original detail, this authorized rebuild is extensively customized with dual trumpet exhaust, parachute pack, custom upholstery and bodywork, chromed radiator cover/cap, belt cover, and gas filler cap.
Part of Vim's power is that it can be extensively customized.
My OS X installations are extensively customized with third party Unix software, and I simply couldn't determine with certainty whether or not the hybrid installation would retain all of those customizations.
A user interface that has been extensively customized by one person may appear completely unfamiliar to another who knows the software under a different appearance.