They offer books for external borrowing, references, journals and theses for internal review.
The monitoring process now involves setting up quarterly targets in such areas as the public sector deficit, credit expansion, international reserves, external borrowing and other variables.
In Asia, for example, external borrowing has been virtually flat ever since the financial crises that swept from South Korea to Indonesia.
In Latin America, external borrowing had been on a downward trend while domestic borrowing rose year after year.
Technically speaking, however, Suharto's budgets ran deficits because foreign aid and external borrowing are not supposed to be counted as revenue.
The occurrence of oil-induced current account deficits encouraged some countries to rely on external borrowing from public and private sources.
The full consequences of external borrowing (debt) to pay for oil imports and economic development will be examined in later chapters.
From the mid-1980s to 1992, Israel bonds were the major source of external net borrowings by the Government of Israel.
The budget deficit was forecast at Sh93,656 million, to be financed largely by external borrowing.
As of May 2012 the carrier invited offers from banks to raise up $ 800 million via external commercial borrowing and bridge financing.