It is true that I can maintain the beacon without external circuitry.
It includes reference schematics for the external circuitry required to implement various peripheral functions.
It is possible to take exactly the same network and connect it to external circuitry in such a way that it is no longer behaving as a 2-port.
The internal elements of tubes have always been connected to external circuitry via pins at their base which plug into a socket.
However, some subretinal implants require power from external circuitry to enhance the image signal.
Alternatively, R may be predetermined by the external circuitry which will use the last degree of freedom.
To prevent this, external circuitry periodically reads each cell and rewrites it, restoring the charge on the capacitor to its original level.
For a parallel resonant circuit the opposite applies; small inductances reduce the damping of external circuitry.
Also, there have been attempts to fix faulty GTIA chips with some external circuitry.
It also does not suffer from unwanted self-resonance that results in errors in transmitted information that would necessitate complicated external circuitry to rectify.