How, if there are extra deaths on the higher-speed roads, could the overall death toll still be falling in those states?
It is estimated that maternal smoking causes 5,000 extra perinatal deaths each year in the United States.
According to the article, violence was responsible for most of the extra deaths whether or not the Fallujah data was excluded.
Many cities could have thousands of extra deaths annually, the researchers said.
That's bound to sort out the 10,000 or so extra deaths expected this Winter largely as a result of cold weather/poor standards of living.
The higher rates were equivalent to 3,369 extra deaths a year, more than the total number who die every year on Britain's roads.
If weight reduction was limited to big cars, sport-utility vehicles and vans, the result could still be an extra 60 deaths a year, the company said.
Federal regulators say that the designs of sport utilities and pickups are causing 2,000 extra deaths a year.
Very likely the extra deaths are caused by the disease, not the drug, since the patients on parallel track are sicker.
That is 10 millirems for each person in the world or an extra 5000 to 50000 deaths.