The fees are payable by local authorities, who will be reimbursed for their extra expenditure.
In total, red tape from Brussels adds another £100 billion of lost income, extra expenditure and forfeited economic growth to the bill.
There are various ways of assessing the damages recoverable for such extra expenditure.
The Velocity developers say that extra expenditures reduced their profits on the project by $1.5 million.
The crucial question, as I see it, is whether accepting the staff children involved the school in extra expenditure.
The idea of spending the kind of money which justifies an extra expenditure of £16,000 on one day seems to me obscene.
Even larger extra expenditures are expected in the next fiscal year.
In many instances, designing a green building is just a matter of forethought and doesn't require extra expenditure, said Norek.
God knows what it's costing in extra expenditure to the Treasury.
This could be government aid, provided that that is directly linked to the extra expenditure in connection with the present Regulation.