Better Bet: Top pizza with veggies to get extra fiber and nutrients.
In order to make the fabric stiffer, extra fibers are sometimes carried along with the yarn or the hat may be starched.
If I take extra fiber, do I need to drink more water during the day?
Eat them with the peels for extra fiber, which will keep you full longer.
Add extra fiber to your diet, especially if you are taking medications that are known to cause constipation.
Keep the skin on your frites for extra fiber and nutrients.
The extra fiber in whole grains is key: It makes you feel full, which means you eat less.
This design allows extra fiber to be used at the ends, where weight is less important and wear more likely.
The extra fiber can help fill you up and quash any snack cravings until dinner.
Be sure to wash down all that extra fiber with plenty of water to avoid constipation and gas.