Stubby toe claws extended from the Skin to give him extra grip over the slippery dripping rock.
He also felt that with a modern rear wheel drive F1 car, the extra grip could be employed more usefully for the driven wheels.
Additional padding on the outside flap of the saddle is sometimes added for extra grip.
The circles also helped to dissipate heat without it being conducted down the handle, and provided extra grip.
Its butt can be folded to the front in order to provide extra grip.
But you cannot get side air bags, which are available on most minivans, or a traction control to give extra grip in bad weather.
There is also four-wheel drive for when extra grip becomes necessary.
It also has a longer ported barrel, heavier slide, fitting for a shoulder stock, extra forward grip, and an extended magazine.
Gloves are worn in sports, the most common reason being for extra grip for the competitors hands.
Because I radioed the chopper: get one through eleven ready and have Krebs bring an extra grip.