As an extra inducement, the school will arrange babysitting and pay for carfare.
To give the reader extra inducement to look at the insert, the last two pages are devoted to a sweepstakes.
Officials in Grand Rapids hope that Parents' Fair Share, with the extra inducements and closer assessment of participants' needs, will have a higher success rate.
If Miss Cayley is going to stay for a single week only, that adds one extra inducement for joining you immediately.
With the tunnels an extra inducement, it seems only a matter of time before the Bike Pike brims with traffic.
Giordino's weight and momentum striking the stern deck was the extra inducement it took to jar the boat loose.
But undoubtedly the most substantial extra inducement being offered is the new research building, which was opened during a four-day celebration.
In such areas, extra financial inducements were offered by the British government to assist companies wishing to relocate.
The conservancy has committed another $5,000 for the interior work as an extra inducement.