There are 200,000 extra mouths to feed born every day.
I'm tired of paying for all those extra mouths to feed around here.
Tiny, compact, she was a bundle of energy and always had a place ready at her table for an extra mouth.
Life was hard enough already without four extra mouths to feed.
He needs only ten men to hold off your entire army; the others are extra mouths to feed.
I'd likely end up with an extra mouth in my throat, once the word got around what's to be had out there.
So why bother them with an extra mouth to feed?
So long as no food's going in, our soldiers don't mind allowing an extra mouth or two into the city.
Then I gave him all those extra mouths to feed.
He's only a child, he can't understand how much of a burden one extra mouth to feed is for the people here.