Winter sports cover can cost from as little as £5 extra per person on your normal travel insurance.
A sheet of 20 37-cent stamps costs $16.99, or about 48 cents extra per stamp.
But Casey said the agreement would cost each major league team a minimum of approximately $50,000 extra per year.
That means in real terms around £160 extra per year, or £200 in cash terms, for 23 million taxpayers.
It is likely therefore whatever option is selected an extra £5000 per annum may be required.
Frill-free accommodation in local houses is £148 extra per week (your own room, bathroom shared).
It would take $7.6 billion extra per year, an 8 percent increase in nursing home payments, to do it.
They charged extra per night for those rooms.
"Unless the cost comes down to around $5 extra per machine, no one will put it into their machines."
They cost between $20 and $30 extra per acre in "technology fees" to Monsanto.