He jogged every morning with lead weights slung on his chest, back and thighs to get him used to the extra poundage of the armour.
It sank down, ponderously, his extra poundage adding to the weight of the water.
Health risks go hand-in-hand with extra poundage and it's crazy for the media to pretend otherwise.
"With all the holiday food, the cookies and the extra poundage, you've got a lot of people with New Year's resolutions to lose weight."
Now you're looking at some serious extra poundage.
At last week's couture shows in Paris, accessories were treated like extra poundage - trimmed down or eliminated altogether.
United Artists demanded he take off the extra poundage.
So I was happy to learn that my extra poundage will likely stick to my hips rather than my waist.
"I mean the strain of the extra poundage might be too great on the spaceship."
"Sorry about the extra poundage," he quips, his free hand straying toward a belly that's only a tad larger than it used to be.