Then I'm for it," said a private chauffeur who regularly picks up fares for extra rubles near the Parliament.
I received an extra hundred rubles for the decoy airfield photographs on the Chinese side of the frontier.
Successful enterprises will be permitted to keep much of their profits, with the extra rubles going into higher wages and fringes.
"Fourteen plates in lifelike color-" said Wirtanen, "forty rubles extra."
Moreover, the central bank said it would print extra rubles to replenish the reserve fund, a move that will be inflationary.
In general, it is better to have extra dollars than extra rubles.
Workers will automatically receive an extra 60 rubles a month in their pay packets.
And, because prices are controlled, the workers cannot use all their extra rubles to bid for whatever goods are available.
The thought of the extra ten thousand rubles tucked neatly away in his bank account was a very consoling one.
Even with the extra 200 rubles she gets for babysitting and her mother's 168-ruble pension, she cannot do much with the remainder.