By performing these extra tasks, the team may receive additional weight held credit.
There are extraordinary teachers picking up extra tasks at every successful school.
Gauging the time that it would take him to go there and return, Ambril set himself an extra task.
His physical education was intensified, discipline became much harsher, and the boys were loaded with extra tasks.
A reduction in staff prompted by the incident meant that everyone took on extra tasks, ready or not.
The job was not on his morning's list; the boss had radioed the extra task to him.
This was an extra task for Rachaela, the making of sandwiches for the child.
Proper job enrichment, therefore, involves more than simply giving the workers extra tasks to perform.
Make sure you understand the additional care and/or treatment that is needed, commit to the extra tasks, and work them into your daily health routine.
In some episodes, the panellists are given an extra task to complete during the course of the game.