They run witness support groups for those who believe they have encountered extra terrestrials.
Another interesting idea that has been suggested is that there are extra terrestrials who are very intelligent.
In this epic space opera, Ildirans were the first extra terrestrials that humanity encountered once our species became space bound.
Anything about extra terrestrials is a plus!
Other stories say that the area was once under the sea or that extra terrestrials made them.
This clip is interspersed with one of an unknown sci-fi program discussing extra terrestrials.
I can't for the life of me remember any extra terrestrials in the original game, but maybe they were in the deluxe edition.
Suzi then got a job working with the United States Army for her technical abilities and knowledge of extra terrestrials.
"We don't want people leaving with the idea that we've found extra terrestrials," Dr. Shara said.
While none showed real proof of the existence of extra terrestrials, many remain a mystery to this day.