The extra tissue from a cadaver, he said, could lengthen survival.
Eventually, the extra tissue dies everywhere except, as House puts it, in the "fun places".
Men don't realize, we have all the same breast parts that a woman has, like milk ducts just not the extra fat tissue.
There are several types of surgery, including one to remove extra tissue in the throat.
This may be a piece of extra tissue called an umbilical granuloma.
People who are overweight may have extra tissue around their neck, adding to their risk for sleep apnea.
As horrible as it is, it's still very neatly done, except for the extra tissue that was removed.
The walls of the uterus become thicker with extra tissue.
The uterus then gets rid of the ovum and the extra tissue by releasing it from the body.
Further risks may occur due to the mass of extra tissue.