And Prudence is the little one with the extra toe on her feet - see?
Ernest Hemingway owned many cats, especially cats with extra toes.
"And regardless of what they say, I can assure you that he has no cloven hooves-not even an extra toe!"
Some breeds of cats are prone to polydactyly (extra toes and claws).
It has an extra toe, is small, and very agile.
Other symptoms included an extra big toe and an extra thumb (6).
It was a joke because rheas, which look like small ostriches (only with an extra toe on each foot) cannot fly anyway.
Each back foot of this Jerboa has an extra, fourth toe, which is small compared to the 3 functional toes.
An extra toe and finger she had, all around.
The extra toe on the front feet soon disappeared with the Mesohippus, which lived 32 to 37 million years ago.