The extra power required an extra 100 tons of engine and reduction gears.
The deal permits Moscow to buy an extra 1.5 million tons of wheat at about $175 per ton.
God, why weren't the bows coming down, with that extra three and a half tons right for'd in Q?
Bulmers is doing so well that it's going to need an extra two hundred tons of apples a day from local growers.
"What harm does it do if I fish one extra day or take one extra ton?"
The result: an extra 500,000 tons of grain a year - enough to feed at least 2.5 million people.
As a result, it is typical for the airport to output an extra 2 million tons per year processing capability than the original design.
He arrived to find Haney and Mike in hot argument over whether it was possible to load on an extra ton or two of mass.
The 101-gun type were redesigned with an extra 400 tons and engines of 800 nhp, to produce the Duncan class.
Companies that pollute too much pay $2,000, plus inflation, for each extra ton.