But the company said the extract contains minute - not significant - amounts of nicotine.
How else, short of applying it to humans, could one test whether a particular extract contained the carcinogenic material?
The extract of A. acutiloba roots contains many chemical constituents.
These extracts, which he called nadnerczyna, contained adrenaline and other catecholamines.
Now if you will refer to your folders, you have extracts containing the relevant material.
This is because many cheese products include rennet, an extract containing the enzyme rennine.
This extract contains important messages for teachers.
The active ingredient in this case, found serendipitously, was not iron, but rather a water-soluble extract containing a new substance.
All extracts contained approximately 20 /; l of protein.
An extract of the leave contains hodulcine, a glycoside which exhibits an anti-sweet activity.