The examination of computers from within the operating system using custom forensics or existing sysadmin tools to extract evidence.
Varricchio et al.(1997) were able to extract enough evidence from the nests to infer several characteristics of Troodon reproductive biology.
One of the key ways to extract evidence from a treebank is through search tools.
Archival research is a type of primary research which involves seeking out and extracting evidence from original archival records.
Inevitably skills analysis is more general and less definitive than task analysis although many of the same procedures for extracting evidence might be used.
The Scheindlin opinion, lawyers say, will be a powerful new weapon in their continuing attempts to extract fresh e-mail evidence from the investment banks.
Extracting physical evidence from digital photography is a major technique used in forensic accident reconstruction.
Forensic Investigation also known as forensic audit is the examination of documents and the interviewing of people to extract evidence.
The photographs can be used to extract evidence that may be lost after the accident is cleared.
His ambitions required that he extract evidence of malfeasance or defalcation from reluctant, stonewalling opponents.