Saccharum barberi is cut and processed to extract sugar.
To a man like me, reared in the cane country, it seemed profane that men would try to extract sugar from beets, but they did.
Extracting sugar produced the by-products of pulp and molasses, which could be fed to cattle, whose manure came back to keep the land productive.
American Indians taught European settlers the trick of extracting sugar from maple trees, and methods have not changed much in three centuries.
Gottling developed and sold chemical assay kits and studied processes for extracting sugar from beets, to supplement his meagre university salary.
Portugal had the agricultural and manufacturing know-how from its Atlantic islands and manufactured its own equipment for extracting sugar from sugarcane.
The rhizome was roasted in an hāngi (earth oven) by Māori to extract sugar.
It is possible to extract additional sugar from beet molasses through a process known as molasses desugarisation.
Other methods of extracting sugar from biomass include enzymatic hydrolysis and acid hydrolysis.
This was due to a decrease in sugar content of the beets, and a large increase in the cost to extract sugar.