The assessors have extracted higher taxes from co-ops by lifting land assessments.
The government was able to extract taxes with some facility but had little impact on the daily lives or thoughts of most villagers.
Despite these convictions, the small but growing number of Americans who say that the federal government is a criminal organization that illegally extracts taxes, appears undeterred.
"You have not come to make life 'better' for the people of Trelandar, but to extract taxes."
It also required closing tax loopholes and extracting taxes from powerful elites.
Local kings or lords extracted taxes and set trade restrictions.
It is vital to the State's existence, for on its monopoly of force depends its ability to extract taxes from the citizens.
The Dukes of Savoy tolerated the Jewish presence in their lands as a means to increase commerce and to extract high taxes.
The changes in both the state and Federal tax laws were really geared toward extracting higher taxes from higher- wage earners.
Imerina begin to extract taxes from the people living in Anosy.