The federal Government has set aside about 7.5 million acres of the Amazon as extractive reserves, and some state governments are doing the same.
The focal point of the effort is a 3,900-square-mile area called an "extractive reserve" near the borders with Peru and Bolivia.
An extractive reserve is an area of land, generally state-owned where access and use rights, including natural resource extraction, are allocated to local groups or communities.
The challenge in using in-situ methods is to expand our vision of protected areas to include multiple use and extractive reserves to develop new models for conservation.
Determinants of livelihood strategy variation in two extractive reserves in Amazonian flooded and unflooded forests.
Another result of these discussions was the coining of the concept and the term "extractive reserves".
On the contrary, his struggle to create "extractive reserves" in the forest was directly born of the violent reality of Brazil.
Large extractive reserves for rubber and nuts have been created since Mr. Mendes's death.
But months later, after a court battle, Santa Fe was declared an extractive reserve.
The government of Acre State has now conceded four "extractive reserves" to the tappers.