Statistics show that an end has come to an extraordinary six-year boom in the boating industry.
The potentially tragic consequences of that legislation were concealed for a while by the extraordinary economic boom in the last half of the decade.
By any measure, Japan has gone through an extraordinary boom in the last five years.
A significant question remains: To what extent are these positive outcomes related to the extraordinary economic boom in the late 90's and into 2000?
Such language sounds tinny to those in the political mainstream, never more so than during the extraordinary boom of the last few years.
After the war, they were the heart of an extraordinary boom in recreational skiing.
Literature, he explains, is undergoing "an extraordinary boom" in his country.
"It's the economics of the market and the extraordinary boom."
For instance, American platforms have been enjoying a moratorium since 1998, which has led to their extraordinary boom.
Sales were down 6 percent from those in the month a year earlier, when the industry was enjoying an extraordinary boom.