"This is an extraordinary campaign that got started from a dead stop," one aide said.
"The conclusion of the war will mark one of the most extraordinary military campaigns ever conducted," he said.
He said "The conservative Christian political movement" was "on the receiving end of an extraordinary campaign of bias and prejudice."
As for Ed Miliband, it had been an extraordinary campaign.
It has certainly been one of the most extraordinary political campaigns in Zimbabwe.
This presidential race capped an extraordinary campaign in which both candidates frequently traded the front-runner position.
During her lifetime, she engaged in an extraordinary campaign to ensure the blastpipe was seen as his invention.
"Reagan ran an extraordinary campaign in 1976, but it still wasn't enough" Mr. Siegel said.
Masséna remained one of Bonaparte's most important subordinates throughout the extraordinary 1796-7 campaign in Italy.
So on everyone plunged, conscious that each week in this extraordinary campaign seems to teach a different lesson from the last.