A year earlier the profit before extraordinary items was 1.65 billion marks.
The program sees the dealers attempt to buy extraordinary and unique items from members of the public.
It had sales last year of $1.046 billion and earned $30.7 million before extraordinary items.
Income before the extraordinary items was up $127 million, or 53.1 percent.
There is, however, still one extraordinary item of business that I want to bring to your attention before we leave.
"Even when you take out the extraordinary items, they appear to have beat our estimates for operating income," he said.
The results included a $300 million gain from extraordinary items, including sale of the television interests.
In 1989 the institution had net earnings of $13.7 million, or $3.10 a share, before extraordinary items.
The company said the extraordinary item is related to early retirement of debt.
If material, it would be treated as an extraordinary item.