Four decades and a zillion animal stories later, the show's extraordinary longevity is about to be honoured with a shiny accolade.
Because of their extraordinary longevity, an international effort was put into place to sequence the genome of the naked mole rat.
Whether Viper actually has extraordinary longevity was left uncertain.
"Something must explain your extraordinary longevity, as confirmed again in last year's Maxfield Index study."
What had been the secret of their extraordinary longevity?
But though his political instincts sometimes seemed proof that he was out of touch, they in fact ensured a career of extraordinary longevity.
The K1000's extraordinary longevity makes it a historically significant camera.
Especially at petroleum seeps, this would guarantee a lifelong energy source and help explain the extraordinary longevity of the worms.
The idea that certain diets can lead to extraordinary longevity (ages beyond 130) is not new.
Icon possesses extraordinary longevity, enabling him to age at a vastly slower rate than that human beings.