In an extraordinary move, it reopened the case and heard new arguments last spring.
"Unless we take extraordinary moves," he said, "we're really not going to be around for the next generation of kids."
But in an extraordinary move, three Connecticut towns have told the federal government to keep its money and, therefore, its mandates.
"Such an extraordinary and bold move could lead to shattering disappointment," he said.
Mr. Robb made an extraordinary first move to repair the damage last week.
So this was absolutely an extraordinary move, I must tell you.
Play was halted for a day, an extraordinary move in the centurylong history of international cricket.
But the extraordinary move was largely reversed later by the Treasury Department.
It was an extraordinary move on their part, and one that had built-in contradictions.
And in an extraordinary move, it ordered her released immediately, without waiting to write a decision.