Legal experts called the judge's rebuke extraordinary, saying he had, in effect, accused the prosecutors of unethical conduct.
But in an extraordinary rebuke of Mr. Clinton's foreign policy, Senator Lott said minutes before the strikes began that he opposed the air assault on suspected Iraqi chemical, nuclear and biological weapons sites, arguing that the attacks were ineffective.
In an extraordinary rebuke, a state appeals court today rejected the instructions about Mark Fuhrman that Judge Lance A. Ito proposed to read to jurors in the O. J. Simpson case.
This has made for a confrontational relationship between the school and the association, prompting an extraordinary public rebuke from the N.C.A.A. president, Cedric Dempsey, about the university's behavior and statements it made about Barkley's second suspension.
For that he received an extraordinary, angry public rebuke from the State Department.
In an extraordinary rebuke to a President of his own party, Mr. Rockefeller accused Mr. Clinton of allowing "raw politics" to overcome reason.
Still, it amounted to an extraordinary rebuke; no one at the Board of Education could remember its like.
He stayed on his feet through accusations of infidelity and draft dodging, through extraordinary rebukes from the public in opinion polls and the voting booths, through a full-blown journalistic feeding frenzy that had destroyed other men.
Economists and executives here said the extraordinary rebuke to the President's powerful son, Bambang Trihatmojo, indicated that Mr. Suharto might be prepared to trim his family's wide-ranging business interests in order to carry out much-needed austerity measures.
What triggered the court's extraordinary public rebuke was Mr. Ashcroft's proposal last March to greatly increase the amount of intelligence information shared between the spies and the cops.