Financial institutions face extraordinary risks when they plead guilty to a felony.
"At the very least in doing so, he placed these secrets at extraordinary risk."
It was all supposed to be government approved, so he had assumed that there was no extraordinary risk.
At the other end of Bill's political career, Hillary again took extraordinary risks to make money.
How else could we have appreciated the dangers of ocean pollution, the extraordinary risks that are being taken with nuclear waste?
Americans are unaware that Congress and the president have just agreed to put us all at extraordinary financial and personal risk.
She was prepared to take extraordinary risks to get intelligence on who had done it.
We are fortunate to have Americans who risk their lives to protect ours - they take extraordinary risks so that we may be safe.
By 1989 the figure had grown to 38%, an extraordinary risk for the American taxpayer to be asked to bear.
He went on to say that "We have to honor the generations that took extraordinary risks" to achieve the right to vote.