When Thurgood Marshall's death was announced Sunday, he was remembered for his extraordinary role as a role model.
Even in failures, Williams created extraordinary roles.
Challenges of that order justified the extraordinary role of an independent counsel, unconstrained as he is by budgetary and other executive branch controls.
Nevertheless the artist's studio or the place where the artist was operating kept playing an extraordinary role in the development of the art ideology and agenda.
She played an extraordinary role in the life of an extraordinary family.
During the 1970 and 1980's Sobel had an extraordinary role in protecting the human rights in Brazil (at that time governed by the military).
He had an extraordinary role in the truly independent film, Jackie's In Trouble.
It's Upendra's extraordinary triple role that carries the entire story forward.
They had earned this extraordinary role, they deserved it.
And while he doesn't deny that the mind can play an extraordinary role in healing, he says that only goes so far.