The group was noted for its lavish and extravagant clothes and performances.
Her eyes gaze downward in humility, in contrast to her relatively extravagant clothes.
Roper is depicted in three-quarters view with a narrow face and wearing extravagant clothes that reflect her social position.
Their extravagant clothes made Murdo aware of his own drab appearance.
Her extravagant clothes and cosmetic prettifications were clearly excessive overcompensa-tions, pretending a stylishness she just wasn't made for.
He lived in a vast house, wore extravagant clothes, owned many slaves, entertained lavishly and even built his own grand tomb.
Dürer is dressed with effeminate grace in flamboyant, extravagant clothes showing the influence of Italian fashion.
Gianni Versace's extravagant clothes, from wildly mixed prints to cropped versions of 18th-century ball gowns, pushed him into the forefront of fashion.
The young woman couldn't possibly be comfortable in her extravagant clothes and finery, yet she wore her best at all times, as if afraid she might miss an opportunity.
Storm was known for the extravagant clothes he wore and the cars he drove, once buying a pink Vauxhall Cresta for £800 in cash.