Mr. Aramony is faulted for wasting contributions on spin-off ventures and extravagant expenditures.
None of it was extravagant expenditure - we didn't buy new desks or other unnecessary items.
This was a criticism not of Gothic design nor of church building but of extravagant expenditure.
It was an extravagant expenditure of Tlalok's immune venom.
However, these reforms failed to address all the financial problems and the king still spent more than he earnt, due largely to his extravagant personal expenditure.
But, he was charged with extravagant expenditure on the fortifications; as a consequence of which he resigned his post and sailed to England in disgust.
They say the Freedlander family made extravagant expenditures for airplanes, high-priced cars and other luxury items.
However, his recent unemployment and extravagant expenditure on fancy clothing had left him no choice as to his means of transport.
It was a strange conversation, sleepily hostile, with both of them drained by the extravagant expenditure of passion that had gone before.
The extravagant expenditures and displays of the superintendent's wealth served to intensify the ill-will of the king.