She now wore extravagant gowns of great proportions both in creation and cost, exhausting the treasury all the more.
Charity had gone to perch on the table, her extravagant gown billowing around her, her hair tumbling down her back.
She had visualized herself in an extravagant gown, entering on her father's arm.
She had dreamed of an extravagant gown for her daughter, a presentation of fine jewelry to commemorate the occasion.
The Tiffany dancers are costumed in extravagant gowns that they never remove: the show conveys a hint of the risqué but not more.
The tight corsets, extravagant gowns, and hideous wigs were things of the past for her.
In a vivid scene that captures the free fall of her double life, she runs from a photograph session wearing an extravagant red satin gown and arrives desperate for heroin at a filthy shooting gallery.
"I really love the glamour of it - the fact that I get to sing and sign some autographs and, you know, have people come do my hair and makeup and put on some extravagant gown," Monheit says.
The stagey poses, extravagant gowns and near-abstraction of patterned light and shadow unblushingly signal an entry into the land of fantasy.
Tinian skinned out of her jumpsuit and yanked up the extravagant gown.